天气 热了,
In summer
Hot summer
I am like this:
I want to do this:
And this:
天气越来越热,很多人开始出现食欲不振、脾气暴躁、易疲劳、失眠等症状,其实,这些不适不仅 仅是天气原因导致的,也有可能跟身体缺乏某些营养素有关。
When the weather gets more and more hot, people are suffering Lack of appetite, irritability, fatigue, insomnia etc. Actually, this is not only about weather, but more about the loss of some nutrition in your body.
Calcium will get away from your sweat, which may cause the lack of calcium protein in all muscles and thus weaken the shrinking function of Skeletal Muscle, and then you are tired. Besides, lack of calcium may cause the exciting of nerve system.
Kids lack of calcium may keep crying; adults in same condition are easy angry and like a nerd and also add insomnia. So in summer, you should eat more calcium-rich food like milk, yogurt, cheese, bean-foods, Chinese cabbage, rape, celery such green leafy vegetables.
Sweat also brings away some zinc that join in the synthesis of taste element that can promote taste and enhance appetite. The lack of this could cause bad appetite. Zinc also affects male’s sex ability for that it is the necessity of androgens and the protection of prostate. So you need eating these foods: sea food in which best is oyster, red meat, offal, nuts and coarse grains.
Many people like eating cold food like cold vegetables, fruits and porridge etc in such a hot day, which however has no much protein. It is the base of body immune system so that the lack of it could cause the low immunity of skin and mucosal in thus spray the illness bacteria. So, you need eat: fish, thin meat, tofu, egg, and diary such protein rich foods.
When less of B1 vatamin, you will get tiredness, bad digestion, bad emotion and slow reaction; less of B6 vitamin could make you depressed; lack of B12 vitamin could lower your thinking ability and get you obstacles sense of space. So you need: red beans, mung beans, oats, animal offal like chick and pig.
Except for food judgment, you need to maintain happy mood. Hot weather could cause hot temper, then how to light your temper?
Follow me!
Wow~森林环绕,满目的绿意,隔着屏幕都能感 受到 清凉的微风!
Wow, in forest full of green, do you feel the soothing breeze?
The view is so charming that attracting princess; is this liking a dream?
对了,这就是鼎鼎有名的虞美人德国黑森林疗养院哦!四周环绕的森林植被、天然富氧的纯净空气,让来到这里的每个人都感受到身心的净化,由内而外焕发活 力!
Yeah, this is the famous Yumeiren Germany black forest sanatorium! The place is surrounded by forest and fresh air. Everyone coming here will feel the purifying of body and soul and refuel again!
疗养院还有先进的医疗设备、生活设施,为您提供安静、优越的疗养环境。有德国严谨的医生们为你量身打造细胞活化的年轻方案,美丽、年轻?So easy!心情自然也会美美哒!
The hospital has advanced medical facilities and life equipments where can pr ovide you quiet and high quality environment. Here have vigilant doctors customize your personal cell-refining plan to make you younger and more beautiful. So easy! You gonna be very pretty!
President Yu wenhong likes the place very much and after several visiting, she wholly acquired this hospital in 2014 to give more chance for Chinese enjoying the place and fulfill the dreams of youth, health and beauty and live to the age of 100 in good quality!
也是得益于这里的SC抗衰老疗法和纯净养人的自然环境,你看于会长 少女般的笑容和体态,和相差20岁的小男友在一起幸福满满,真是羡煞旁人啊~
Thanks for the SC anti-aging therapy and pure nature environment, president Yu is like a young girl and so happy when with her 20 years younger boyfriend. So amazing!
Till now, are you touched? The beauty of black forest is not only lying on above elements. If you want feel it, please join in Yumeiren and enjoy your journey in our trip to see the magic world!
Establishing time
Young Merry Real was established in 1993 and now is 23 years old.
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Official Wedsite
This is the new website of YMR, please save it. The original site was stopped. How to remember it? It’s very easy! The first letters of young merry real with vip-- ymrvip . Is that simple?
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Micro-letter of YMR
The WeChat of YMR is called“Beauty Discovery”(wechat number: ymrjt1993 ), which will spread the new messages of YMR, the new pictures of our queen president Yu wenhong, new videos, big shots and some funny things for everyone.